NGC Events

Live streaming of Union Budget 23-24 was conducted by the department of Economics on 01 February 2023.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising One Day Workshop on "Practical Approach to GST & Income Tax". Mr. Ashish A. Chartered Accountant, CEO Team Tax Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will handle the sessions.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising One Day Workshop on "First Step to the Corporate Jourmey" for Final Year B.Com Students. Mr. Midhun Mitwa, Career Consultant & Corporate Trainer will handle the sessions.

Kerala Sahitya Academy, IRISH Research Centre, History and Malayalam departments of Nirmalagiri College Kuthuparamba jointly organized a one day National Seminar on 20th January 2023 on the topic 'Samkshepavedarthavum Aadhunikavyavaharangalum' on the occasion of 250th anniversary of the publication of Samkshepavedartham.

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1964-2022 കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ കൂത്തുപറമ്പ് നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിൽ നിന്നും പഠിച്ചിറങ്ങിയ പൂർവ്വവിദ്യാർഥികളുടെ ഒരു ഒത്തുചേരൽ 2022 ഡിസംബർ 31 നു കോളേജ് അങ്കണത്തിൽ.. ഏവരെയും സ്നേഹപൂർവ്വം ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു........

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In collaboration with The Global Scholarship, Nirmalagiri College, kuthuparamba, kerala is hosting a webinar. "Ways of getting a college scholarship" on Nov-09th at 03:30 PM.

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Department of Commere, Nirmalagiri College in collaboration with IQAC is organising a Question Hour - Better World Happiness Programme. Resource Person : Mr. Josi Joseph

National seminar on NMR Spectroscopy jointly organized by Magnetic Resonance Society Kerala (MRSK) and Department of Chemistry, Nirmalagiri College on 4th and 5th November 2022.

As part of the World Food Day Celebration 2022, the department of Home science in collaboration with Kannur Food Safety Department conducted a millet-based innovative recipe competition on 31 st October 2022.

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Special Talk on opportunities for the Economic students and skills to be equipped. On 31-08-2022 10 AM to 1 PM