College Council

College Council

Dr. Sebastian T K


Fr. Dr. Jobi Jacob

Vice Principal

Dr. Sr. Celine Mathew C

Head, Dept. of Home Science

Dr. Sabu Sebastian

Head, Dept. of Mathematics

Dr. Rejeesh C John

Head, Dept. of Statistics

Dr. Deepamol Mathew

Head, Dept. of Malayalam

Mr. Johnson George

Head, Dept. of Economics

Dr. Nygil Thomas

Head, Dept. of Chemistry

Dr. Joshy Joseph

Head, Dept. of Physics

Dr. Siby Philip

Head, Dept. of Zoology

Mr. Shinil Kuriakose

Head, Dept. of Physical Education

Dr. Anpin Raja R D

Head, Dept. of Botany

Sr. Dr. Manju O S

Head, Dept. of History

Mr. Roshin Thomas

Head, Dept. of Commerce

Dr. Finitha Jose

Head, Dept. of English

Fr. Aneesh C A

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