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The Department of Economics, Nirmalagiri College, in collaboration with the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, and the Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Nirmalagiri, is organizing a 2-day National Conference on Public Policy and Development, scheduled for the 23rd and 24th of January, 2025. All are cordially invited.

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The Women Cell of Nirmalagiri College, in collaboration with 24 Connect, organizing a Women Self-Defence Programme on 12th December 2024 at Mar Valloppilly Hall.

The Antidrug Campaign Committee and the IQAC of Nirmalagiri College, in association with 24 Connect, are organizing Laharimuktha Keralam on 12th December 2024.

സംസ്ഥാന ജൈവവൈവിദ്ധ്യ ബോർഡിന്റെ മികച്ച ജൈവവൈവിദ്ധ്യ ക്യാമ്പസ്സുകൾക്ക് നൽകുന്ന പുരസ്ക്കാരം നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിന് വേണ്ടി ഭൂമിത്രസേന കോർഡിനേറ്റർ രശ്മി പി തോമസ് സംസ്ഥാന പൊതുമരാമത്തു -ടൂറിസം വകുപ്പ് മന്ത്രി ശ്രീ പി എ മുഹമ്മദ്‌ റിയാസിൽ നിന്നും ഏറ്റുവാങ്ങുന്നു.

Department of Chemistry Nirmalagiri College organizes a two-day international conference on Interdisciplinary Studies and Advancements in Chemical Science on 30th and 31st January 2025. The conference is dedicated to exploring recent studies and advancements in Chemical Sciences and interdisciplinary domains, including Supramolecular Chemistry, Catalysis, Material Sciences, Crystal Engineering, Sustainable Energy, Spectroscopy, Chemical Biology, and Medicinal Chemistry. The thrust areas hold significant global importance due to the potential of these fields to address critical challenges across various sectors. The conference seeks to enhance local research capabilities, support policy frameworks, and accelerate the development of science-based solutions tailored to specific societal needs. By bridging academic research and practical applications, the conference is crucial in translating scientific advancements into impactful, sustainable solutions that benefit society as a whole. The conference promotes the sharing of knowledge and collaboration essential for scientific breakthroughs, fostering the development of novel materials, green technologies, and transformative medical treatments with far-reaching implications for health, industry, and environmental sustainability. The conference registration will end on January 15, 2025. For more details, visit the college's / conference's official website.

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On November 7, 2024, Nirmalagiri College Women's Cell organized an enlightening session for third-year female students. The session, titled "Treasure Your Body to Remain Healthy," was led by Dr. Sr. Reena Mathew SH, a renowned gynecologist from Christuraj Hospital, Thokkilangady. Dr. Sr. Sujamol Joseph, Women's Cell Convenor, delivered the welcome address, emphasizing the importance of self-care for women, while Dr. Siji Mathew, an executive member, expressed gratitude in the vote of thanks.

Nirmalagiri College Women's Cell organized an empowering session for third-year male students on November 7, 2024, titled "Graduate Launchpad: Aligning Education with Career Goals." The session was led by Sri. Vaisakh KP, Assistant Professor at the College of Engineering, Thalassery. The aim of the session was to bridge academic pursuits with career aspirations. Sri. Roshin Thomas delivered the welcome address, and Dr. Anpin Raja R.D. concluded with the vote of thanks.

നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിലെ മൂന്നാം വർഷ വിദ്യാർഥികൾക്കായി ASAP ൻ്റെയും നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിൻ്റെയും നേതൃത്വത്തിൽ ഹ്രസ്വകാല പാർട്ട് ടൈം കോഴ്സുകളെക്കുറിച്ചും തൊഴിൽസാധ്യതയുള്ളതും നൈപുണി വളർത്താനുള്ളതുമായ പരിശീലന പരിപാടിയെ സംബന്ധിച്ചും ക്ലാസ് നല്കി. 6/11/2024ന് മൂന്ന് ബാച്ചുകളിലായാണ് കുട്ടികൾക്ക് ക്ലാസ് നല്കിയത്.

Quiz club of the Nirmalagiri College in association with the KSEB officer’s association conducted preliminary round of ‘Power Quiz 2024’ on 26 September, 2024 in Mini auditorium at 2 pm. Fr. Dr.Jobi Jacob, Vice Principal, presided over the meeting. Mr. Anoop Kumar K V, Assistant Engineer, 110kV Substation Valiyavelicham delivered the key note address and was the quiz master. 56 students from the college participated in the event. Mr. Alan Louis, III BA Economics bagged the first prize and Mr. Savyanth N, I MA Economics won the second prize.


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നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിൽ ബി.എസ് സി. മാത്തമാറ്റിക്സ്, ഫിസിക്സ് എന്നീ പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളിൽ ഏതാനും സീറ്റുകൾ ഒഴിവുണ്ട്. യോഗ്യരായവർ സെപ്‌റ്റംബർ 5ന് രാവിലെ 10 മണിക്ക് കോളേജിലെത്തണം. ഇതുവരെ യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി ഓൺലൈൻ അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കാത്തവർക്കും പങ്കെടുക്കാവുന്നതാണ്. ഫോൺ: 9847240383

Nirmalagiri College is ranked in the Band of 151-200 by the National Institutional Ranking Framework All India Ranking 2024.

എം.എ. ഇക്കണോമിക്സ്, എം.എസ്.സി. ഫിസിക്സ്, കെമിസ്ട്രി, സുവോളജി എന്നീ പി. ജി. പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളിലേക്കുള്ള സ്പോട്ട് അഡ്മിഷനിൽ പങ്കെടുക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന വിദ്യാർഥികൾ ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 16 നു 4 മണിക്ക് മുൻപായി കണ്ണൂർ യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി ഓൺലൈൻ അപേക്ഷയുടെപകർപ്പുമായി കോളേജിൽ എത്തിച്ചേരേണ്ടതാണ്.

2024-25 അധ്യയന വർഷത്തെ ഓണേഴ്‌സ് ബിരുദ പ്രവേശനത്തിനുള്ള സ്പോട്ട് അഡ്മിഷനിൽ പങ്കെടുക്കുന്നവർക്കുള്ള നിർദേശങ്ങൾ


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ഒന്നാം വർഷ ബിരുദ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്കുള്ള ഇൻഡക്ഷൻ പ്രോഗ്രാം "പ്രവേശം 2024 -25" ജൂലൈ 17 രാവിലെ 9 .30 മുതൽ മാർ വള്ളോപ്പിള്ളി ഹാളിൽവച്ചു നടത്തപ്പെടുന്നു. എല്ലാ ഒന്നാം വർഷ വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളെയും പ്രസ്തുത പ്രോഗ്രാമിലേക്കു സ്വാഗതം ചെയ്യുന്നു.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Nirmalagiri College is organizing a training programme for faculty members on "AI Tools in Education" on 15th July 2024 at the College Mini Auditorium. The resource person for the session will be Rev. Fr. Sabu Thomas, Assistant Professor in English, SH College Thevara (Autonomous).

കണ്ണൂർ സർവ്വകലാശാലയുടെ അഫിലിയേറ്റഡ് കോളേജുകളിലെ 2024 -25 അധ്യയന വർഷത്തെ പി ജി പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളിലേക്ക് ഏകജാലക സംവിധാനം വഴിയുള്ള പ്രവേശനത്തിന് അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിച്ചു. അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കുവാനുള്ള അവസാന തീയതി 2024 ജൂൺ 30 , 5 മണി.

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കണ്ണൂർ സർവ്വകലാശാലയുടെ അഫിലിയേറ്റഡ് കോളേജുകളിലെ 2024 -25 അധ്യയന വർഷത്തെ നാലുവർഷ ബിരുദപ്രോഗ്രാമുകളിലേക്ക് ഏകജാലക സംവിധാനം വഴിയുള്ള പ്രവേശനത്തിന് അപേക്ഷ ക്ഷണിച്ചു. അപേക്ഷ സമർപ്പിക്കുവാനുള്ള അവസാന തീയതി 2024 മെയ് 31 , 5 മണി.

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ബിരുദ പഠനം: നൂതന പ്രവണതകളും സാധ്യതകളും എന്ന വിഷയത്തിൽ ഏകദിന സെമിനാർ നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിൽ.. 2024 മെയ് 14 ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച... ഏവർക്കും സ്വാഗതം ..

Department of Commerce is organising a psychological workshop to focus on Life-Success on 05th March, 2024 Tuesday. Dr. Fr. Renni Manuel, Consultant Psychologist, SiFaM, Thalassery is the Resource Person. All are cordially invited.

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As part of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme, the Women's Cell of Nirmalagiri College, in association with the District Administration Kannur, the Women and Child Development Office Kannur and ASAP, Kerala, is organizing a one-day Career Guidance Workshop on 4th March 2024.

Department of Commerce is organising a National Level Workshop on Practical Approach to Financial Statements on 21 February 2024 Wednesday. Dr. Aghila Sasidharan, Assistant Professor, Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana is the Resource Person.

The Department of chemistry, Nirmalagiri college, is organising a two-day workshop on statistical thermodynamics on 20th and 21st February 2024. Dr. S Sugunan retired professor, CUSAT will be the resource person.

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The Department of Economics, Nirmlalagiri College, is organizing a National Conference on Fiscal Federalism and Union Budgets on 15th February 2024.

Mr. Baburaj Memorial Endowment Award ceremony, instituted by the B.Sc. Mathematics 1985-88 batchmates of Nirmalagiri College, was conducted on 12 January 2024 at the College Mini Auditorium.

The Department of Economics, Nirmalagiri College organized a one-day workshop on Research Methodology for the final year UG and PG Students on 11 January 2024. The session was led by Dr. Midhun V P (Alumnus), Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Govt College Kasaragod.

The Department of English, Nirmalagiri College organized a one week online International workshop on Academic Writing titled, “Bridging Gaps: An Introductory Academic Writing Workshop for International Students” from 18th to 22nd December 2023. Ms. Karen Mathew, an Academic specialist at Langley, British Columbia, Canada engaged the workshop for the students of the Department on various writing skills. The Workshop provided the students an overall idea regarding the difference in academic culture of Canada, specifically on academic integrity. The Instructor discussed the challenges that Indian students usually encounter in Canada, and suggested means to overcome it. On the whole, the Workshop turned out to be a fruitful one for those who have plans to study abroad.

Department of Commerce in Collaboration with Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) organises a Seminar on "An Overview of Securities Market & Depository Services" on 15 December 2023. Mr. T. Shibunath, CDSL Regional Head, Kerala & Mr. B. Badrinarayanan, BSE-IPF are the resource persons for the sessions. Time: 10.30 AM Venue: Seminar Hall

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The Department of English, Nirmalagiri College, organized one day International Colloquium on the topic "Traversing through Cultural Contours of Oman", on 13 December 2023 at Mini Auditorium. The event began at 1.30 PM with a spectacular traditional dance performance by the students of the Department. The dignitaries such as Dr. Pavithran Mavila(Director, Laureates English Institute, Iritty), Mr. Mustafa Mansoor Shambeh (Entrepreneur, Oman) and Mr. Abdulla Hamdan Ahammed (Entrepreneur, Oman) were the cynosure of the event. Their insightful thoughts revolved around the topics like Omani educational system, their cuisine, marriage and landscape. The presence of Sr. Sonia Philomena V A (HOD, Department of English), teachers and students of the Department added colour to the programme.

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Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba in collaboration with Commodityonline Institute of Financial Training (CIFT), an initiative of Acumen Capital Market (India) Ltd. is organising a "Cetificate Course in Financial Markets" for Second Year B. Com Students from 27 November 2023 Monday to 02 December 2023 Saturday.

The students & Teachers of the Department of History participated in the world Heritage Week Celebration Conducted at St. Angelo's Fort Kannur by Archaeological Survey of India, Trissur Circle from 19/11/2023 to 25/11/2023. Head of Department, Dr. Sr. Manju O S felicitated the inaugural function inagurated by Kannur district collector Arun K Vijayan IAS. Students & teachers participated in various programs conducted such as Guided Tour, Heritage Walk etc. which is helpful for enrichment of cultural and heritage studies.

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Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba organises One Day workshop on Research Methodology. Dr. Abraham George, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce, De Paul Arts & Science College, Edathotty will be the Resource Person.

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നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജ് മലയാള വിഭാഗത്തിന്റെയും ഐക്യുഎസിയുടെയും സംയുക്താഭിമുഖ്യത്തിൽ 'ലിംഗനീതി ചില വിചാരങ്ങൾ' എന്ന വിഷയത്തിൽ സെമിനാർ സംഘടിപ്പിച്ചു. കേരള സ്റ്റേറ്റ് ട്രാൻസ്ജെൻഡർ ജസ്റ്റിസ് ബോർഡ് മെമ്പറും ട്രാൻസ്ജെൻഡർ ഓർഗനൈസേഷൻ പ്രസിഡന്റുമായ ഇഷാ കിഷോർ മുഖ്യപ്രഭാഷണം നടത്തി. കോളേജ് പ്രിൻസിപ്പൽ ഡോ. ടി .കെ സെബാസ്റ്റ്യൻ അധ്യക്ഷത വഹിച്ചു.ഐക്യുഎസി കോഡിനേറ്റർ ഡോ. ഫാ. മാർട്ടിൻ ജോസഫ് മലയാളം വിഭാഗം അധ്യക്ഷ ഡോ. ദീപാ മോൾ മാത്യു, വിദ്യാർത്ഥിനികളായ ഫാത്തിമ മുഫ്ളീഹ എ കെ, സാനിയ വി, റിഫാ ഫാത്തിമ എന്നിവർ സംസാരിച്ചു.

As a part of Kerala government's Awareness Program for Youth, Thalassery Thaluk Legal Service Committee conducted an awareness Program for College Students in collaboration with Nirmalagiri College, Value Education Committee on 19th October 2023. Advocate Shaji V led the talk on 'Gender Equality' at the College Mini Auditorium. Dr. T K Sebastian presided over the function. Dr. Sr. Manju O S, Value Education Committee Convener, delivered the welcome speech. The event was evaluated by our First year student Dayana.

The Value Education Committee of Nirmalagiri College is organizing a mental health awareness program as part World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2023. The program titled "Our Minds Our Rights" will be conducted at Mini Auditorium from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm. The talk will enlighten the students about the need to improve their mental health and remove existing stigmas of mental illnesses.

Join us for an enlightening one-day seminar on Kerala State Higher Education Curriculum Framework based on NEP 2020 jointly organized by Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba, and the Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) on Saturday, October 7, 2023. The event will take place at the Mini Auditorium, Nirmalagiri College, and promises to be an enriching experience for college educators.

The Women Cell and the Women Empowerment Committee of Nirmalagiri College are together hosting a special talk titled Safe Besties in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, October 6, 2023 at Mar Vallopilly hall. The talk will address security issues faced by women in society.

The Women's Cell and Women Empowerment Committee, in association with Pidilite Industries Ltd., conduct a Certificate Course in Crafts Magic.

Nirmalagiri College welcomed the first batch of students from Manipur to pursue their higher education here. Samuel Guite and Netchinthen Donhga have joined for B.Sc. Chemistry and M.A Economics respectively. They were given a warm welcome to the college by Principal Dr. T. K. Sebastian, teachers and students of Nirmalagiri College.

The Post Graduate Department of Economics on the occasion of its Diamond Jubilee, organized a National Conference “Electronic Banking Awareness and Training (e-BAAT)” in association with RBI on 23-08-2023. Ms Latha P Kurup, Assistant General Manager, Canara Bank Regional Office Kannur South inaugurated the Conference. Dr Sebastian T K, Principal, Nirmalagiri College presided the inaugural session. Shri Monikandan V G, Manager, Banking Department, RBI and Shri Sathiyamoorthi S, Manager, CEPC, RBI, Thiruvananthapuram handled various sessions.

നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജ് മലയാള വിഭാഗത്തിന്റെയും കേരള ഫോക് ലോർ അക്കാദമിയുടെയും സംയുക്താഭിമുഖ്യത്തിൽ 2023 ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 22നു മാർ വള്ളോപ്പിള്ളി ഹാളിൽ വച്ച് അനുഷ്ഠാനകലാരൂപമായ പൂരക്കളി അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നു.

Department of Commerce is organising an Onam Celebration with inmates of Snehanikethan Old Age Home Palaparamba on 21-08-2023.

Post graduate Department of Economics conducted a career guidance programme for the final year degree students on 16-08-2023 at 9.30 am onwards. Mr Bennet Thomas, Asst. Professor, Beja Model College of Arts & Science was the resource person

Congratulations to all. We are Re-accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade.

Hearty Welcome to the NAAC Peer Team Members.

നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജ് മലയാള വിഭാഗം വായന ദിനത്തോടനുബന്ധിച്ച് ലേഖന മത്സരം സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. വിഷയം: വായന, എഴുത്ത്, നവോത്ഥാനം

NSS & NCC in collaboration with General Hospital Thalasserry conducted a blood donation camp on 27/06/2023. Principal Dr. T. K. Sebastian inaugurated the function.

In connection with International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, NSS units 25 &26 conducted an awareness message, rally, and anti-drug pledge on 26 June 2023. Principal Dr. T. K. Sebastian inaugurated the programs.

NSS Units 25 and 26 of Nirmalagiri College celebrated International Yoga Day on June 21, 2023. Principal Dr. T.K. Sebastian inaugurated the Yoga Day program and Sri Shinil Kuriakose, Head of the Department of Physical Education, lead the yoga session.

The college management and IQAC jointly organised a one-day orientation programme on “Secrets of Professional Excellence and Mind Management” for the staff of Nirmalagiri College on June 10, 2023. The programme was inaugurated by the College Patron Mar Joseph Pamplany, the Archbishop of Thalassery. The classes were led by Dr. Joju John, Principal, Mar Theophilos Training College, Trivandrum. The gathering was also addressed by Nirmalagiri College Principal in charge Dr. T. K. Sebastian, Manager Msgr. Antony Muthukunnel, IQAC Coordinator Dr. Sabu Sebastian, Vice Principal Fr. Joby Jacob and Dr. K. V. Ousephachan, Principal, Nirmalagiri Arts and Science Academy.

NIRF All India Ranking 2023: Nirmalagiri College is ranked in the 101-150 band under College Category..

Hearty congratulations to all the placed students of the 2023 pass-out batch.

നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിൻ്റെ പ്രിൻസിപ്പലായും ബർസാർ ആയും അധ്യാപകനായും സേവനം ചെയ്ത നിർമലഗിരിയുടെ രാജശില്പി റവ. ഫാ. ജോൺ ജോർജ് വടക്കുംമൂലയിൽ അച്ഛന് ആദരാഞ്ജലികൾ..

The students of Department of Home Science conducted “Gestion De Eventos- Making Events Come Alive”, the event management day celebration on 27th April 2023.

A farewell meeting was held at Nirmalagiri College for Dr. Ousephachan K. V. (Principal), Dr. Denny Philip (Former Head, Dept. of Botany) and Mr. Joseph K. J. (Superintendent) on 23rd March 2023. The event was presided over by the college manager Msgr. Antony Muthukunnel and attended by distinguished guests including Mar Joseph Pamplany, Archbishop of Thalassery Archdiocese, who delivered the keynote address. They spoke greatly of the dedicated service of the retiring staff and shared personal anecdotes of their interactions with them. Felicitations were given by Fr. Abraham Ponatt, Fr. Geo Pulickal, Fr. Mani Attel, Fr. Mathew Thekkemuriyil, Sr. Sonia Philomena V. A., Dr. Anpin Raja, Ms. Molly Joseph, Prof. Augustin Joseph and Mr. P.C. Kuttiyachan. Dr. Ousephachan K. V, Dr. Denny Philip and Mr. Joseph K. J. expressed their gratitude for the opportunities they had at Nirmalagiri College and thanked the management and their colleagues for their support over the years.

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Inauguration of ED Club & Commerce Association. Chief Guest: Ashwin Jose (Administrator, Malayoram Coconut Oil)

Women’s Cell Nirmalagiri College is celebrating International Women’s Day with a special talk on the topic ‘Women Empowerment’ on Wednesday 8th March 2023 at 2.30 pm at Mar Valloppilly Hall. All are invited!!!

Dear Students, the Career Guidance and Placement Cell of Nirmalagiri College is conducting Mega Campus Recruitment on Saturday 25th February for the final year Degree and PG students. Those who wish to participate are requested to fill the below survey form before 19-02-2023 and join the WhatsApp group.

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Department of Economics organized a panel discussion on Union Budget 2023-24. Panelists were selected from the P G students and Moderator was Mr Johnson George, Asst Professor, Department of Economics, Nirmalagiri College

Live streaming of Union Budget 23-24 was conducted by the department of Economics on 01 February 2023.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising One Day Workshop on "Practical Approach to GST & Income Tax". Mr. Ashish A. Chartered Accountant, CEO Team Tax Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will handle the sessions.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising One Day Workshop on "First Step to the Corporate Jourmey" for Final Year B.Com Students. Mr. Midhun Mitwa, Career Consultant & Corporate Trainer will handle the sessions.

Kerala Sahitya Academy, IRISH Research Centre, History and Malayalam departments of Nirmalagiri College Kuthuparamba jointly organized a one day National Seminar on 20th January 2023 on the topic 'Samkshepavedarthavum Aadhunikavyavaharangalum' on the occasion of 250th anniversary of the publication of Samkshepavedartham.

1964-2022 കാലഘട്ടത്തിൽ കൂത്തുപറമ്പ് നിർമലഗിരി കോളേജിൽ നിന്നും പഠിച്ചിറങ്ങിയ പൂർവ്വവിദ്യാർഥികളുടെ ഒരു ഒത്തുചേരൽ 2022 ഡിസംബർ 31 നു കോളേജ് അങ്കണത്തിൽ.. ഏവരെയും സ്നേഹപൂർവ്വം ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു........

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In collaboration with The Global Scholarship, Nirmalagiri College, kuthuparamba, kerala is hosting a webinar. "Ways of getting a college scholarship" on Nov-09th at 03:30 PM.

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Department of Commere, Nirmalagiri College in collaboration with IQAC is organising a Question Hour - Better World Happiness Programme. Resource Person : Mr. Josi Joseph

National seminar on NMR Spectroscopy jointly organized by Magnetic Resonance Society Kerala (MRSK) and Department of Chemistry, Nirmalagiri College on 4th and 5th November 2022.

As part of the World Food Day Celebration 2022, the department of Home science in collaboration with Kannur Food Safety Department conducted a millet-based innovative recipe competition on 31 st October 2022.

Special Talk on opportunities for the Economic students and skills to be equipped. On 31-08-2022 10 AM to 1 PM

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising a Career Guidance Programme for commerce students. Resource Person: CA Sreejith Kuniyil

Dear Students, A Certificate Course in Life Skills is being conducted for the final year UG and PG students of Nirmalagiri College from Thursday, 26 May 2022 onwards, with the financial assistance of our PTA. The course aims at enhancing the employability and the soft skills of the participants and will cover diverse topics such as Aptitude Test Training, Resume Building, Interview Skills, Communication Skills, Group Discussion, Emotional Intelligence etc. This course of around 30 hours duration spread across 10-15 days will be delivered in online mode by a highly experienced team of trainers led by Sri. Renjith Keshav, CEO, Insight Job guru, Thiruvananthapuram. The course will be highly beneficial for those who attend/prepare for Campus Recruitment, KPSC/UPSC/other competitive exams/Entrance examinations for Higher education and seeking an immediate job. Those who wish to attend the course should join the dedicated WhatsApp group using the link given

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Department of Economics in association with APEX academy, Kochi is organising a webinar on Overview of Securities Market and Career Growth on 13th April 2022, at 11.am. All are cordially invited.

Department of Mathematics is organizing a one day seminar ''The relevance of Astrology and Astronomy in modern period'' on 23rd March 2022.

Department of Economics is organising a Webinar on Investor Awareness on 16.02.2022 at 10.00 am. Cordially inviting all...

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Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba has organized an International Webinar titled “Interdisciplinary studies and Advancement in Chemical Science” (ISAC-2021 )on December 4th, 2021.

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Department of Economics in association with APEX academy organised a webinar on investment in Indian share market on 10.22.2021. The programme was sponsored by UTI and Mr. Manoj T Neelakantan was the resource person. All teacher and students of the department participated in the webinar.

We are celebrating Victory Day (Online) on 26th August 2021 in order to felicitate all the achievers in the university final year examinations and those who got placement through campus interview. The programme commences at 10am. All are cordially invited.

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In connection with the 75th Independence Day Celebrations, the National Cadet Corps of Nirmalagiri College, in Association with Indian Combat is organising a Special Talk on 15th August 2021 at 11am. All are cordially invited.

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Hearty Congratulations to all placed Students of 2021 passing out batch.

Department of Economics in association with APEX academy conducted a webinar on awareness programme on securities market and its control on 30.07.2021. Resource person was Mr Manoj T Neelakantan, Ex-AGM IDBI Bank and BS FI Trainer. The programme was BSE sponsored one and 120 students and teachers of the department attended it.

Peruva High Speed Internet Project, a joint initiative of Nirmalagiri College, BSNL and Kerala Forest Department will be inaugurated by Sri. A.K Saseendran, Hon'ble Minister of Forest and Wildlife Protection, on 6th July 2021 at 11.30am.


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Department of Economics and APEX Academy jointly organizing a Public Webinar on 'Financial Awareness for Investors' on Monday, 5th July 2021 at 3.30pm.

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In Connection with Reading Week Celebrations 2021, Nirmalagiri College organized a Special Talk by Dr. Ambikasuthan Mangad on 25th June 2021.

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Result of Online Quiz Competition conducted in Connection with Reading Week 2021.

Nirmalagiri College in association with Hrudayaram Community College of Counselling, Kannur is organizing an online counselling facility for NGC Students from 1st June 2021.

Aaravam Online Fine Arts Festival 2021 will be inaugurated by Mar Joseph Pamplany, Manager, Nirmalagiri College on 17th May 2021 at 9.30am.


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Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba has organized a Webinar titled “Beyond the Horizon” on March 24th, Wednesday, 2021 to commemorate the occasion of Dr. Rosy Antony’s 23 years of valuable service.

Post Graduate Department of Economics organized a Panel discussion on Union Budget 2021-22 on 09.02.2021. Panelists of the discussion were Dr. Shyjan Davis (Registrar, Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University Kerala), Dr Rajesh K (Asst. Professor of Economics, KUFOS, Kerala) and Mr. Midhun V P (Asst. Professor of Economics, KMM Govt. Women's College, Kannur).

Departemnt of Home science and IQAC Nirmalagiri College organised an International webinar on “Diabetes and Covid 19 -Clinical Considerations and Dietary recommendations” on 29th November 2020.

ICAI and Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College jointly organising a webinar series on Overview of Ind AS and Accounting Standards on 17, 18 & 19 November 2020 from 05.00 pm to 06.30 pm

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IQAC Nirmalagiri College and Department of English jointly organising a National Webinar on "NEP 2020; Vision Plan for Emerging Education 4.0" on 31st October 2020 at 5pm.

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Department of English is conducting a certificate course in Film Appreciation in collaboration with Kerala State Chalachitra Academy and FIPRESCI. The inauguration of the course is on October 3, 2020 at 11 am via Zoom. All are invited.


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Nirmalagiri Film Club in association with Department of English is organising a national webinar on 19th September 2020

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The Official Inauguration of the "Certificate Course in Zero Violence Mindset" conducted by the Department of History and International Humanist Organization will be held on 12th September 2020, at 10.30 am. All are cordially welcome.

The International Webinar which was scheduled to be held on 12th August is rescheduled to 27th August 2020 at 10.30am.

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The official inauguration of the activities of Quiz club, Nirmalagiri College for the academic year 2020-21 will be held on 27th August 2020 at 6PM. Sri. Sivaprasad S. IRS, Joint Commissioner, Central GST, Thiruvananthapuram inaugurates the function and shares his experience in civil service preparation and competitive examinations. The function will be chaired by Dr. Ousephachan K.V, Principal, Nirmalagiri College. All are cordially invited.

Webinar on "CAT & MBA as a Career in the Current Scenario"

Department of Home Science and IQAC Nirmalagiri College organised a National Webinar on “Home Science as a Profession” on 26th August 2020.

Department of Mathematics & IQAC Nirmalagiri College is organizing a webinar "Graphs and their Uses - A Contemporary Analysis" on 26thAugust 2020.

Department of Hindi in association with IQAC, Nirmalagiri College is organizing a National Webinar on 25th August 2020. For more Details, Contact: 09495544612

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മലയാള വിഭാഗം ദേശീയ വെബിനാർ പരമ്പര ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 20,21, 22 തിയതികളിൽ സംഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. വിഷയം: ഫോക് ലോറും കാർഷിക സംസ്കൃതിയും. ഉദ്ഘാടനം ഡോ.കെ.പി.മോഹനൻ (കേരള സാഹിത്യ അക്കാദമി സെക്രട്ടറി). മുഖ്യ പ്രഭാഷകർ ഡോ.വി.ലിസി മാത്യു, ഡോ.എ.കെ. അപ്പുക്കുട്ടൻ, ഡോ .സജിത കെ.വി , ഡോ.സോമൻ കടലൂർ ഡോ. ജോളി പുതുശ്ശേരി, ശ്രീമതി മിനി.പി. വി.

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Department of Botany in association with IQAC Nirmalagiri College organises the webinar series named Komorebi from August 2020 onwards. The entire programme is sponsored by DBT-STAR Scheme of Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. The seminar series is mainly focused on different branches of Life Science and Environmental science. The first talk of this series is on 20th August 2020 in Google Meet. Dr. Raj Vikraman R. Senior scientist, JNTBGRI, Thiruvananthapuram is delivering the lecture on “Indigenous and exotic species status in gardens of Kerala” in the inaugural session. All are cordially invited.

Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IRISH) in association with Department of History and IQAC Nirmalagiri College is organizing a National Webinar on Pandemic Crisis and Opportunity on 18th August 2020 at 10.30am.

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31 Kerala NCC Bn, Nirmalagiri College is organising a quiz programme for the students of Nirmalagiri College which will open sharp @10.00 AM and close @ 10.30 AM on 15.08.20. Students have to use their Nirmalagiri College id for logging in into their browser for taking part in the quiz.The qualified will receive an instant e-certificate

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Department of History is organizing a National Level E-Quiz for Students, Research Scholars, Teachers and Public, in connection with Independence Day Celebrations. Those who are interested can participate till 10 pm, 15th August 2020.

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Department of English is organising a Webinar on " Poetry: The Aesthetic and Analytic Poles" on 17 August 2020 . Mr.Joby Joseph, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St, Thomas College, Palai will be the resource person of the event.


Dear All, Career Guidance Cell, NSS & Debate club of Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba is organizing a webinar on ' Preparing for Civil Service:A Roadmap' on Sunday, 2 August 2020 at 11 a.m. Sri. Muhammad Sajad IAS, Assistant Collector, North Tripura District will lead the session. Those who wish to attend the webinar can use the link https://forms.gle/gziwbWP4qTjvaZEv7 to register and join any one of the WhatsApp groups to receive updates. Group 1: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DB7xnVwvestE1aSvx2ubVV Group 2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JlgwWbcUVSQ58hwbfyAIGK For further information, if any, feel free to contact:9747765094, 9447483180.

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The Activities of Debate Club, Nirmalagiri College for the Academic Year 2020-21 will be inaugurated by Mr. T. K Saneesh, Senior News Producer, Malayala Manorama News Channel on 01st August 2020 at 10.30 am.

Department of Economics, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba has organized a National Webinar titled The Plight of Informal Labour in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic on July 22nd, Wednesday, 2020 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. as an academic tribute to Late Dr. T. A. John.

A Webinar series on "Positions, Identities and Ideas: Understanding Literary Theory" will be conducted by the Department of English in May 2020. Three sessions will be held as follows : Session 1 on 18 May 2020: "Introduction to Literary Theory" Session 2 on 23 May 2020: "Saussure and Structuralism" Session 3 on 27 May 2020: "Derrida & Deconstruction"


Department of Economics, Nirmalagiri College, Kuthuparamba has conducted an Online Quiz 'E-Quest 2020' for College/University Students of all streams from 11th to 13th May 2020. It covered 50 general questions on Indian Economy and Banking. A total of 1660 students from 9 States were participated in the programme and 1141 students have secured more than 50 per cent marks and were issued with instant e-certificates.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising an Entrepreneurial Awareness Programme on 05-02-2020. Resource Person: Mr. Subhash Babu K., MD MiZone & Director btrac.

A One Day National Colloquium on Gender Inclusivity in India will be organized on 10 January 2020 by the Department of English at Mar Valloppilly Hall, Nirmalagiri College. Keynote address will be given by prominent transgender activist Sheetal Shyam followed by an interactive session of Sheetal Shyam in conversation with Mr. Joseph K.J


Faculty Development Programme on "Securities Market & Personal Investment Analysis - a Practical Approach" Jointly Organised by Department of Commerce & Acumen Capital Markets Ltd. Sponsored by CDSL.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising "One Day Workshop on Practical Approach to GST and Income Tax" on 16th July 2019. CA Tarun Jagadish will be the Resource Person.

Department of Economics and in collaboration with IRISH, Nirmalagiri has organized a National Seminar on Dimensions and Dynamics of Inter-State Labour Migration: a Discourse on 15th February 2019.

Department of Commerce, Nirmalagiri College is organising a Seminar on "Growing opportunities in Kannur" on 18-01-2019. Resource Person: C. Jayachandran, Managing Partner, MASCOT Industries.

Interaction with a Successful Entrepreneur - TNM Jawad, Founder & managing Director, TNM Online Solution Pvt. Ltd. & TNM Academy.